Hier ein paar kleine Eindrücke, zu unserer Storyline und dem was euch hier so alles erwartet.
Willkommen im UntoldWarnung... Das Forum ist nichts für schwache Nerven. Es enthält einige Trigger.
Willkommen im Jahr 1951 in der kleinen Hafenstadt Port Saintsbury, am Rand von Alaska, nahe der Beringsee, wo Männer und die Mafia noch das Sagen haben, wo Frauen sich unterzuordnen haben und Kinder noch streng erzogen werden. Wo der zweite Weltkrieg und der noch immer andauernde Koreakrieg seine Spuren in der Wirtschaft und in den Familien hinterlässt, wo die Kirche noch dominiert und sich die Angst der strenggläubigen Einwohner zu Nutze macht, um ihre Position zu festigen und sie zu kontrollieren. Wo Drogen, Kriminalität und Prostitution noch an der Tagesordnung sind und die Fischer ihre derbe Freiheit genießen. Eine Zeit, in der jeder einfach jedem misstraut und vieles hinter geschlossenen Türen vor sich geht, das einfach nicht nach außen dringen soll, da alles gejagt und gehasst wird, was nicht der Norm entspricht oder anders ist und somit Gefahr läuft an den Rand der Stadt verfrachtet zu werden, in die Klinik, die man lieber von außen als von innen sehen will. Nach Shuttermoore, dessen durch den Wind in die Stadt getragenen Schreie, schon für so manche Gänsehaut bei den Einwohnern gesorgt hat. Eine Tatsache, die durch die Medien geschürt und gepusht wurde, mit der Verbreitung der Nachrichten über Monster und grauenvollen Veränderungen. Grund dafür war der Kriegsverbrecherprozessen von Chabarowsk von 1949, wo es um eine geheime Biowaffenstation ging, in der Region Mandschurei. Obgleich Japan, dessen Existenz verleugnete, kamen durch Umwege dennoch geheime Akten zutage, in denen es um Experimente an 1700 US Amerikanischen Kriegsgefangen ging, mit zum Teil extremen Auswirkungen. Die Echtheit der Dokumentation, konnte nie bewiesen werden, dennoch erweckte es das Interesse der Regierung, die sich die vorhandene Klinik Shuttermoore, in Port Saintsbury zu Nutze machte und diese nach ihren eigenen Vorstellungen umbaute, um angeblich jene überlebenden Kriegsgefangenen zu therapieren und zu heilen von ihren Traumatas. Doch das Interesse dahinter war, das man erforschen wollte, inwieweit der unbekannte Wirkstoff Einfluss auf die Menschen nahm und sie wollten hinter diesen Wirkstoff kommen, weswegen man ebenfalls Experimente durchführte, nachdem man feststellte das sich Menschen mit veränderter Genetik unter ihnen befanden, die man sich nicht erklären konnte. So blieb die Klinik nach außen hin weiterhin als Nervenheilanstalt geplant, in der 1. Etage waren Menschen untergebracht, die man von sogenannter Abnormität heilen wollte oder von ihrem Glauben an Übernatürliches. Im Erdgeschoss gab es die normalen Patienten, die an Depressionen litten oder allgemeinen psychischen Erkrankungen. Doch am Schlimmsten war der Keller, den selten jemand lebendig verließ. Denn hier landeten jene, die unter Verdacht standen Übernatürlich zu sein, oder aber es nachgewiesen auch waren. Hier sind ein paar grundlegende Fakten für unser Forum. Achtung, es enthält sehr viele Triggerthemen. Bitte lest die Punkte genau durch, ehe ihr euch dazu entscheidet ein Teil davon zu werden.
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beinhaltet Trigger wie: Drogenmissbrauch, Abhängigkeit, Diskrimation, Psychische Erkrankungen, Traumatas, Depressionen, Suicid, Unterdrückung, Machtmissbrauch, Gewalt, Prostitution ➢ Spielbare Wesen ➢ Blacklist ➢ Charas aus 2 Zeiten ➢ Fantasy Damit ihr wisst, mit wem ihr es dann zukünftig zu tun habt. Wir stellen uns vor....
Darf ich vorstellen? Wir sind Rya und Jule und stecken gemeinsam hinter dieser Idee und dem Forum. Wir posten inzwischen schon einige Jahre zusammen und haben unsere eigene Chemie, sowohl im Forum als auch privat. Wir beide gehören eher zu den gemütlichen Postern, da ich in einem Drei Schicht System arbeite und somit auch jedes zweite Wochenende und Rya mitten in ihrem Masterstudium steckt. Dennoch haben und nehmen wir uns auch immer wieder die Zeit, um sowohl neue Ideen auszuhecken oder einfach nur zu quatschen oder zu chatten. Bei unseren Ideen beziehen wir auch immer wieder unsere User mit ein, ebenso wie wir auch immer mit einem offenen Ohr für euch und eure Wünsche da sind. Entscheidungen treffen wir zusammen und sprechen sie auch vorher ab, so das keine Unstimmigkeiten entstehen. Bei Fragen und Wünschen schreibt uns einfach an per PN oder im Discord.
Hier sind ein paar wichtige Links, die euch behilflich sein sollen. Links für die Gesuche, aber auch für die Regeln und alles was ihr sonst noch braucht um euch im Forum zurecht zu finden.
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Geschrieben von - Vor 3 Stunden |
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Geschrieben von - Vor 3 Stunden |
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Geschrieben von - Vor 3 Stunden |
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Geschrieben von Remontbanie - Vor 5 Stunden |
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Geschrieben von Raymondham - Vor 7 Stunden |
The Future of Crypto Investments with EtherBank In today’s fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, EtherBank stands out as a revolutionary platform for investors. Whether you're new to crypto or a seasoned trader, EtherBank crypto investment options provide innovative solutions tailored to meet diverse financial goals. What Is EtherBank? EtherBank is a platform designed for those who value secure, transparent, and high-yield investments. Unlike traditional banking systems, EtherBank operates on blockchain technology, ensuring every transaction is fast, reliable, and tamper-proof. This makes EtherBank crypto investment a top choice for individuals and institutions looking to diversify their portfolios. Why Choose EtherBank? Transparency: With blockchain at its core, EtherBank guarantees 100% transparency for every investor. High Returns: EtherBank has structured its investment plans to offer some of the most competitive yields in the market. Ease of Use: Through its user-friendly interface, managing your investments has never been easier. EtherTalk Investment: Your Gateway to Crypto Insights Another unique aspect of EtherBank is its EtherTalk investment hub. This feature provides users with real-time market analysis, expert opinions, and educational resources, empowering investors to make informed decisions. EtherTalk is more than just a tool—it's a community of like-minded individuals passionate about blockchain technology. Join the EtherBank Revolution By choosing EtherBank, you're not just investing in crypto—you're investing in a movement that prioritizes innovation, security, and financial growth. Whether you're interested in EtherTalk investment opportunities or exploring the broader crypto market, EtherBank is your ultimate partner. Take the first step today and experience the difference with EtherBank crypto investment. Secure your financial future with a platform built for success. Unlock Your Potential with EtherBank Crypto Investment As the digital economy evolves, EtherBank offers unparalleled opportunities for individuals and businesses. EtherBank crypto investment is designed to provide secure and lucrative options for anyone looking to thrive in the blockchain era. Why EtherBank Is the Right Choice EtherBank simplifies the complexities of cryptocurrency. With an intuitive platform and transparent policies, investors can enjoy peace of mind while accessing cutting-edge tools. The Power of EtherTalk Investment For those seeking guidance, EtherTalk investment offers a wealth of resources. From beginner-friendly guides to advanced analytics, EtherTalk ensures you’re equipped with the knowledge to succeed in the crypto world. Making Crypto Accessible to All EtherBank’s mission is to democratize crypto investments. With low entry barriers and customizable plans, EtherBank crypto investment caters to all levels of expertise. Whether you're starting small or managing a portfolio, EtherBank has you covered. Start your journey with EtherBank today. Discover why thousands trust us as their gateway to financial growth. |
Geschrieben von Raymondham - Vor 8 Stunden |
Unlock Your Potential with EtherBank Crypto Investment As the digital economy evolves, EtherBank offers unparalleled opportunities for individuals and businesses. EtherBank crypto investment is designed to provide secure and lucrative options for anyone looking to thrive in the blockchain era. Why EtherBank Is the Right Choice EtherBank simplifies the complexities of cryptocurrency. With an intuitive platform and transparent policies, investors can enjoy peace of mind while accessing cutting-edge tools. The Power of EtherTalk Investment For those seeking guidance, EtherTalk investment offers a wealth of resources. From beginner-friendly guides to advanced analytics, EtherTalk ensures you’re equipped with the knowledge to succeed in the crypto world. Making Crypto Accessible to All EtherBank’s mission is to democratize crypto investments. With low entry barriers and customizable plans, EtherBank crypto investment caters to all levels of expertise. Whether you're starting small or managing a portfolio, EtherBank has you covered. Start your journey with EtherBank today. Discover why thousands trust us as their gateway to financial growth. |
Geschrieben von - Vor 9 Stunden |
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Geschrieben von Raymondham - Vor 9 Stunden |
Why EtherBank Leads the Crypto Revolution In the competitive world of blockchain, EtherBank has positioned itself as a leader in innovation. With a focus on security and profitability, EtherBank crypto investment offers something for everyone. The Unique Advantage of EtherTalk Investment At the heart of EtherBank is EtherTalk investment, a feature designed to enhance your financial strategies. EtherTalk provides live updates, market trends, and personalized recommendations, making it a favorite among crypto enthusiasts. Security You Can Trust Every transaction with EtherBank is secured by advanced blockchain protocols, ensuring complete transparency and protection. This makes EtherBank a reliable platform for both novice and expert investors. Join the thousands who have already discovered the benefits of EtherBank crypto investment. Experience innovation, security, and growth like never before. Unlock Your Potential with EtherBank Crypto Investment As the digital economy evolves, EtherBank offers unparalleled opportunities for individuals and businesses. EtherBank crypto investment is designed to provide secure and lucrative options for anyone looking to thrive in the blockchain era. Why EtherBank Is the Right Choice EtherBank simplifies the complexities of cryptocurrency. With an intuitive platform and transparent policies, investors can enjoy peace of mind while accessing cutting-edge tools. The Power of EtherTalk Investment For those seeking guidance, EtherTalk investment offers a wealth of resources. From beginner-friendly guides to advanced analytics, EtherTalk ensures you’re equipped with the knowledge to succeed in the crypto world. Making Crypto Accessible to All EtherBank’s mission is to democratize crypto investments. With low entry barriers and customizable plans, EtherBank crypto investment caters to all levels of expertise. Whether you're starting small or managing a portfolio, EtherBank has you covered. Start your journey with EtherBank today. Discover why thousands trust us as their gateway to financial growth. Build Your Wealth with EtherBank Crypto Investment In an age where digital currencies dominate, EtherBank is your trusted partner for sustainable investments. With its robust platform, EtherBank crypto investment has redefined how we approach wealth creation. What Sets EtherBank Apart Unlike traditional platforms, EtherBank uses blockchain technology to eliminate inefficiencies. Its EtherTalk investment module ensures that users stay informed and make confident financial decisions. Seamless User Experience EtherBank’s user-friendly design allows even beginners to navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency. From account setup to withdrawals, every step is optimized for convenience. Discover how EtherBank crypto investment can transform your financial future. Sign up today and be part of a growing global community. The Future of Crypto Investments with EtherBank In today’s fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, EtherBank stands out as a revolutionary platform for investors. Whether you're new to crypto or a seasoned trader, EtherBank crypto investment options provide innovative solutions tailored to meet diverse financial goals. What Is EtherBank? EtherBank is a platform designed for those who value secure, transparent, and high-yield investments. Unlike traditional banking systems, EtherBank operates on blockchain technology, ensuring every transaction is fast, reliable, and tamper-proof. This makes EtherBank crypto investment a top choice for individuals and institutions looking to diversify their portfolios. Why Choose EtherBank? Transparency: With blockchain at its core, EtherBank guarantees 100% transparency for every investor. High Returns: EtherBank has structured its investment plans to offer some of the most competitive yields in the market. Ease of Use: Through its user-friendly interface, managing your investments has never been easier. EtherTalk Investment: Your Gateway to Crypto Insights Another unique aspect of EtherBank is its EtherTalk investment hub. This feature provides users with real-time market analysis, expert opinions, and educational resources, empowering investors to make informed decisions. EtherTalk is more than just a tool—it's a community of like-minded individuals passionate about blockchain technology. Join the EtherBank Revolution By choosing EtherBank, you're not just investing in crypto—you're investing in a movement that prioritizes innovation, security, and financial growth. Whether you're interested in EtherTalk investment opportunities or exploring the broader crypto market, EtherBank is your ultimate partner. Take the first step today and experience the difference with EtherBank crypto investment. Secure your financial future with a platform built for success. |
Geschrieben von Raymondham - Vor 11 Stunden |
Why EtherBank Leads the Crypto Revolution In the competitive world of blockchain, EtherBank has positioned itself as a leader in innovation. With a focus on security and profitability, EtherBank crypto investment offers something for everyone. The Unique Advantage of EtherTalk Investment At the heart of EtherBank is EtherTalk investment, a feature designed to enhance your financial strategies. EtherTalk provides live updates, market trends, and personalized recommendations, making it a favorite among crypto enthusiasts. Security You Can Trust Every transaction with EtherBank is secured by advanced blockchain protocols, ensuring complete transparency and protection. This makes EtherBank a reliable platform for both novice and expert investors. Join the thousands who have already discovered the benefits of EtherBank crypto investment. Experience innovation, security, and growth like never before. |
Geschrieben von Raymondham - Gestern, 19:34 |
Build Your Wealth with EtherBank Crypto Investment In an age where digital currencies dominate, EtherBank is your trusted partner for sustainable investments. With its robust platform, EtherBank crypto investment has redefined how we approach wealth creation. What Sets EtherBank Apart Unlike traditional platforms, EtherBank uses blockchain technology to eliminate inefficiencies. Its EtherTalk investment module ensures that users stay informed and make confident financial decisions. Seamless User Experience EtherBank’s user-friendly design allows even beginners to navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency. From account setup to withdrawals, every step is optimized for convenience. Discover how EtherBank crypto investment can transform your financial future. Sign up today and be part of a growing global community. Empowering Investors with EtherBank Investing in cryptocurrency doesn’t have to be complicated. EtherBank crypto investment simplifies the process, offering a secure and efficient way to grow your assets. Key Features of EtherBank Transparency: Real-time updates and blockchain integration. Support: Expert guidance through the EtherTalk investment platform. Flexibility: Customizable investment plans to suit your needs. Why Choose EtherTalk Investment? EtherTalk investment connects you with valuable insights and analytics. Whether you’re tracking market trends or exploring new opportunities, EtherTalk empowers you to make smarter choices. Take control of your financial future with EtherBank crypto investment. Join us today and experience the difference. Build Your Wealth with EtherBank Crypto Investment In an age where digital currencies dominate, EtherBank is your trusted partner for sustainable investments. With its robust platform, EtherBank crypto investment has redefined how we approach wealth creation. What Sets EtherBank Apart Unlike traditional platforms, EtherBank uses blockchain technology to eliminate inefficiencies. Its EtherTalk investment module ensures that users stay informed and make confident financial decisions. Seamless User Experience EtherBank’s user-friendly design allows even beginners to navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency. From account setup to withdrawals, every step is optimized for convenience. Discover how EtherBank crypto investment can transform your financial future. Sign up today and be part of a growing global community. |
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